We all have bad days, days when it feels like nothing will ever go right. They strike without any reason- an argument with your partner, a missed train or even just a spilled tea can make you feel awful and terrible. Life is full of frustrations. Let’s accept it. Now the question is- how do you stay positive on those sluggish days and give yourself the strength to keep going?
Here are some ways:
- Change your lifestyle: if you’re feeling miserable, try changing your routine. Start your day early, sit in the silence for a while, try meditation and yoga, cut off social media especially on such days as it will end up making you feel more miserable. Don’t hunker down at your work for the rest of the day. Go for a walk, drive around or just go to your neighbor. Eat healthy and try to get enough sleep.
- Practice gratitude: Take a moment to be grateful for all the good things that you can think of, whether it’s your partner, your kids, your job or your life. Practicing Gratitude can be a game-changer, it has incredible effects from improving our mood to boosting our relationships with our loved ones. So next time when you have negative thoughts, hijack your thoughts by asking yourself,” What are the good things that I have in my life right now”? Consider writing them down or saying them out loud or thanking someone. Gratitude helps you notice the little wins in your day to day life.
- Read positive books: We tend to believe what we read. Our minds literally take us in the direction of the words that we are reading. Reading gives your mind the space to occupy yourself with something good. When you read a positive book, all your negative thoughts seem to go away and you feel calm and relaxed. A few positive lines can go a long way in lifting your spirits throughout the day.
- Surround yourself with the positive people: When you are around positive influences. It becomes effortlessly easy to get rid of the negative voices going at the back of your mind. You feel positive, energized, motivated and better about yourself and your life. Positive people provide support and comfort and encourage your development in the tough times. Also, surrounding yourself with positive people helps you to deal with the negative feelings such as stress, anxiety and depression.
- Speak positive affirmation: When you are feeling terrible and horrible, repeatedly speaking positive words can have a powerful effect on your mood and change the chain of our thoughts from negative to positive.
Don’t let the bad days win!
You’re going to go through tough times – that’s life. But I say, ‘Nothing happens to you, it happens for you.’ See the positive in negative events.
-Joel Osteen