The best thing a human can do for his/her body is to leave the useless stress their body takes. We cram so many things into our diary to feel we’re living that we don’t have to sleep. Stop putting pressure on yourself to be perfect. Believe you are capable and able to do anything you put your mind to.
If a human is consistently worrying for no reason then it can play havoc in the human’s body. It affects the immune system in such a way that it increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, upset the digestive system and in females, it can also damage the reproductive system and can cause hormonal disbalance. Thus, causing PCOD. Doctors have found that stress and disturbed routine are the main cause of PCOD. Chronic stress is long-lasting and can take a serious toll on the mind and body.
Stress can rewire the brain which further gets vulnerable to anxiety, depression, minor panic attacks, and other severe mental health problems. Anything we do repeatedly gets wired in our brain including thoughts, feelings and behaviours.
What Are the Long-Term Effects of Stress?
It’s not something to be concerned about if you become a little stressed now and then. Chronic stress, on the other hand, can develop or exacerbate a variety of serious health conditions, including:
-Stress can rewire the brain which further gets vulnerable to anxiety, depression, minor panic attacks, and other severe mental health problems. Anything we do repeatedly gets wired in our brain including thoughts, feelings and behaviours.
-Heart illness, excessive blood pressure, irregular heart rhythms, heart attacks, and strokes are all examples of cardiovascular disease.
-Obesity and other eating disorders are on the rise.
-Problems with menstruation
-Impotence and premature ejaculation in men, as well as lack of sexual desire in both men and women, are examples of sexual dysfunction.
-Acne, psoriasis, and eczema, as well as irreversible hair loss, are all skin and hair issues.
-GERD, gastritis, ulcerative colitis, and irritable colon are all gastrointestinal issues.
What I have learned from my past experiences is to take life as it comes and slowly you will start living each and every moment without worrying about the future or any uncertainty. This looks hard but once you start ignoring it as soon as anything negative comes into your mind, life will become very easy.START TREATING YOUR BODY AS YOUR BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT OF LIFE!!
“Just because you take breaks doesn’t mean you’re broken.”
― Curtis Tyrone Jones