Like a river, life is a journey that evolves. There is no such thing as the “Perfect Balance”, only the honouring of the priorities you have in the present. All you can do is make deliberate and thoughtful choices to create the ideal Balance for you at the time.
It’s important to remember that things are allowed to shift and change. Family and fun may have to take a backseat for a while if you need to concentrate on your career. Similarly, you may need to put your career on hold for a time in order to prioritise family time.
Life can be hectic, and finding balance means recognising that different elements of our lives must take precedence at different times. A sense of equilibrium in all aspects existence assists you in leading a happy and contented life, ensures your personal growth, and ensures your mental serenity and well-being. Nonetheless maintaining equal balance throughout is difficult, but you can do so by following excellent planning. You can use below methods-
- Prioritize– Every three months or so, take a look at the important areas of your life and see where things are going well. What has to be addressed? What areas are suffering because your focus is diverted elsewhere? What are the areas where the balance has to be redressed? Make an effort to address the errors that are leading you to be unbalanced in your life.
- Be in tune with your emotions and feelings– Emotional awareness is a talent that is frequently overlooked. According to certain research, just one out of every three of us can accurately measure our feelings. This is vital because our emotions frequently reveal important aspects about ourselves. Our emotions are the result of our deepest wants, dreams, needs, and ambitions. We risk leaving critical wants and longings unsatisfied if we don’t understand what we’re feeling and why, thereby repeating a cycle of rage or sadness.
- Don’t Try to Please Everyone– Make sure you don’t try to please everyone all of the time. If you keep piling stuff on your plate, finding balance in your life will be difficult. We don’t like to let others down, but it’s sometimes necessary to keep oneself well. You’ll feel increasingly stressed if you keep taking on more. Learn to say “no” for the sake of your health and sanity.
The following are major key areas of life that must be considered from time to time:
- Health-(Outlook on life, awareness, motivation) What steps are you taking to improve your health and happiness? What are you doing to stay in shape, what are you eating, and so on?
- Relationships- (family, friends, partners) Are you giving proper time to your relationships? Are you prioritising work above family?
- Career- (Responsibilties, Projects) What are your objectives and how do you intend to achieve them?
- Fun and Enjoyment- (habits, routines, overall lifestyle) What are you up to in your spare time? Are you looking for things to do on a weekly basis that will allow you to disconnect from the daily grind and live in the moment? Do you allow yourself to enjoy yourself in life?
- Personal growth- (education, learning, exploration, self-improvement)
- Money-(understanding use and relationship with money) What are your plans for saving? Do you have enough emergency funds left in your Account?
- Spiritual-(your connection and understanding of with the world around you) What are you doing right now to grow your spirituality, whether it’s with God or not? Do you have any idea who you are? What is your identity, what do you want, and what are your strengths?
- Physical environment- (social media, technology usage, digital files)
Self-inquiry is the most effective method for learning about yourself and your situation. Remember that we learn more about other individuals by asking them questions. As a result, we must ask ourselves questions in order to have a better understanding of ourselves and our life.
Use these questions as diary prompts to get you thinking about yourself.
- How satisfied am I in each of my life’s areas?
- What seems to have the most meaning and purpose? What does not work?
- How are things going for you? What isn’t working?
- What are the things that bring me the most joy?
- What is the source of my greatest anxiety?
- What am I doing with my time?
- What do I do with my time and energy?
- What makes you feel uneasy?
- How do I feel about life in general right now?
- What factors influence my present decision-making?
- What do I take pride in the most?
- What’s going on in my head most of the time? (thoughts, emotions, self-doubt)
This life audit summary will assist you in determining what adds value to your life, what you can let go of, and what steps you should do next.
Keep a check on how much of you and your activity is conscious or unconscious. Self-audit is self-transformation.