Why does your happiness always revolve around what you want and what you get?
Why is it always about reaching a certain destination in life?
Happiness isn’t something you find, it’s what’s left after you get rid of all the unhappy things in your life. It is a tracker of your day to day life which shows the state of how satisfied you are with what you have and how good you feel everyday. In stressful situations, our mood changes and so does how we feel. But with consistent practice , this can be balanced out. In simpler words, we can always control the way we feel with consistent effort for a more satisfying and a happy life.
Let us see what you can incorporate in to your life for a happy soul
- Gratitude: Saying ‘thankyou’ for everything you have should be the first thing when you wake up. You’ll feel the incredible power of this single word as you practice it everyday as your other exercises. When you’re grateful for all the things you have in the present no matter what you had in the past, you’re attracting more great things into your life. Gratitude brings you positivity, happiness and satisfaction in life. It’s the fire that lights happiness in your soul.
- Generosity and kindness: It has always proven to be a great ladder to reach happiness. When we give to others, it uplifts our mood and creates feelings of bliss. Generosity is not just about the material things we give but also the positive and the motivated words we say to others to uplift them. Putting a smile on others faces brings positivity and happiness to you as much it brings to them. Giving lifts your mood and improves your self-worth and self-esteem.
- Meditation: Meditation has the power to bring you satisfaction with what you have, slow down your racing thoughts and ease your stressed mind. Meditation helps you to keep happy, calm and soothes your soul. Research shows that it is the only, truly authentic method that can fight against depression, anxiety and panic. Meditation can produce a deep state of relaxation and a tranquil soul that helps to improve both your emotional well being and your physical well being. Practicing meditation for just 15 minutes everyday can make your soul happier and relaxed than before.
- Self-love: if you want a change in life for good, start with self-love. I believe self-love and gratitude are the roots of happiness. While chasing and fulfilling our materialistic wants, we often forget to take care of ourselves, our own needs are ignored in the long run of finding happiness and satisfaction which never comes naturally. Until you learn to love yourself first, you cannot spread love to others.
Here’s what you need to do to work on your own self-love
- Stop comparing yourself with others: See we live in the world of competition where comparing yourself with anyone else comes naturally. But with practice, it can be controlled because it only brings you envy and unhappiness and ruins your mental health. Instead focus on your own journey and yourself because there’s only one you.
- Be kind and compassionate to yourself: Saying kind and nice words to yourself allows you to loosen up your tight grip on your craving to become perfect. Remind yourself of all the great things you’ve done so far. Celebrate yourself.
- Trust the choices you make for yourself: You know yourself better than anyone else, so do what you know in your heart is best for you.
- Face your fears: We all do have fears. Feeling afraid and anxious is natural. Face them and evaluate them before they create real issues in your life.
- Stop judging yourself the way your body looks. Just remember your worth does not lie in the way you look. Praise and love your body everyday.
- Stop considering others’ judgments: You cannot make everybody around you happy, so why choose their happiness over yours. Others opinions will only slow you down and self doubt yourself.
5. Creativity: Take some time for the things that you love doing. Be it knitting, drawing, dancing, swimming, journaling, adventuring anything to know yourself better. Creativity in our daily life improves our overall sense of well being and adds meaning to our life. It leads to a healthier and a happier you.
There is no better time to start doing it than today!
Don’t gain the world and lose your soul; wisdom is better than silver and gold.”
-Bob Marley