Do you ever feel lost? Tired? Worn-out? Depressed? Like nothing good will ever again come your way? When things seem to start falling from your hands, you might feel that nothing is in control and the bad luck won’t stop coming up. A feeling of hopelessness takes hold on you. In such a situation, rather than feeling stuck, you should take a break and get away for a while. There are a number of ways to replenish your soul which helps you to stay motivated, focused and healthy.
Some of them are:
- Meditate: Meditation calms, refuels, recharges, refills your soul and gives you a better understanding of life. It reduces stress, controls anxiety and gives you clarity of thoughts. What all you need to do is : Take some time out of your day, find a quiet place away from all the distractions, focus on your breathing and try to clear your mind. If your mind gets distracted, try bringing back your focus to your breath. At first, you’ll find it difficult to not to think about anything but as you practice you’ll become good at it.
- Stay around people who truly love you and support you: Surround yourself with people who want your best at heart, lifts you higher and shows you what you are capable of doing. When you spend time with such people, you’ll feel motivated, relaxed and energized. Detoxify your life from the negative people and see how your energy and zeal automatically blossom.
- Read an inspirational book: Choose a book with a positive message to help yourself to stay positive. If you are not enjoying your current book, do not push yourself to finish it, rather try choosing another book on the topic that you enjoy reading and inspires you at the same time.
- Stay close to nature: Spending some time in nature clears your mind, gives your thoughts the right direction and changes your perspective. Staying close to nature is proven to be deeply powerful and healing for our soul. Just imagine yourself standing on a white sandy beach, waves crashing in and out, the salty smell in the air and you can feel the warmth of the sun. For most of us, just imagining nature brings a sense of calm and relaxation. It recharges, nourishes and refills our soul with happiness and peace.
- Find ways to express your creativity: Give some time of your day to the things that fill you up with passion, energy and enthusiasm. Do whatever gives you a sense of happiness and fulfillment. Creativity can be exceptionally healing, enlightening and powerful in replenishing and nourishing our soul. Don’t confuse creativity with some skill that you have to excel at, you are just doing it for your own happiness and joy.
- Practice gratitude: Be grateful and thankful for all the things that you have which will turn the things around in the best possible way. Practicing gratitude gives you a sensef self contentment and acceptance of life as it flows. Everyday before going to bed count your blessings and thank god for all he has given you. It makes you feel better.
- Spend some time in silence: Just as spending some time with the people you love is great for your soul, spending time with just yourself in silence is a great way to replenish your soul too. It gives us the time to think, create and be with our thoughts alone.
Remember, taking the time for your care is essential to bring the best of you and managing and keeping up with your active busy day to day life.