Sometimes it feels like we live in a happy positive world and the very next moment it can feel like how negative the world we live in has become. This sudden change in our attitude is driven by our thoughts. Our thoughts have the ability to change our perspective from good to bad towards life and sometimes these thoughts become so heavy on us that we tend to see only the negative and overlook the positive. Everyone occasionally finds themselves falling prey to these negative thoughts which is a natural response to stress and sadness. Some people are always fighting with the negative thoughts and feelings in their life and yet those keep coming back. The reason is at some point in their life, they gave those negative thoughts more weightage and attention than any other thoughts which causes the negative thoughts to keep coming back over and over. The more we think about negative thoughts, the more they will bother us. It’s undeniable that our brain is always pushing us towards negativity but there are ways to help you train your brain to cultivate positive thoughts and increase your happiness.
Here are some of the ways:
- Start off your day with meditation: Starting your day with as little as 15 minutes of meditation everyday can boost your mood and help you to stay focused, optimistic and content. Meditation brings an efficiency to become aware of negative thoughts and managing them. By practicing meditation everyday, you can reap the benefits of being in a more relaxed and calm state.
- Practice gratitude: Expressing gratitude can positively change your thoughts by releasing feel-good hormones, dopamine and serotonin, which gives you positive feelings of happiness, satisfaction and well-being. You can practice gratitude by focusing on the good things in your life and appreciating them. Before you go to sleep, throw light on your day and be thankful for all the good things that happened to you that very day.
- Surround yourself with positive people: Spending time with good positive people can actually impact your thoughts in a positive way. Have you ever noticed that a person in a group talking about only the negative things of his/her life can make others down too by bringing the negative thoughts in their mind about their life. Whereas a positive person has the opposite impact on others. Being in a group of people who lift you up brings you happiness, motivation and increases the chances of you achieving the goals.
- Practice positive self-talk and affirmations: We tend to say negative things to ourselves whenever something bad happens which forms a negative opinion of ourselves in our mind which becomes hard to break. So try not to be hard on yourself and say positive and motivational words to yourself even on a bad day like “I FAILED THIS TIME BUT I’LL TRY AGAIN“.
- Eat healthy and exercise: Our mind and body are connected in a way that the body houses the mind and the mind controls the body. If you don’t feel right physically, how can your brain be positive? Make sure you eat healthy, stay active and indulge in your hobbies and other activities for the positive thoughts to cultivate in your mind. When you feel negative thoughts are coming your way, find a positive way to control them and take them in a different direction.
“Transform and Master Your Mindset and You Will Transform and Master Your Life.”
– Gary A. Ferraro”