The idea that all matter in the cosmos is composed of vibrating energy provides the foundation for the concept of spiritual vibrations. Everything that is formed of matter is included in this: you, your pets, your home, your favourite material possessions, food, drinks, and everything else. All of us are merely vibrations of energy at a particular frequency. However, the spiritual vibration notion goes much further:
Believers assert that everything is interconnected and that like attracts like. It follows that the frequency at which you vibrate has an impact on things outside of you and attracts more of the same.
What does it mean for something to vibrate rapidly?
Every vibration has a specific frequency. According to some sources, spiritual vibrations range in intensity from low to high and go like this:
Negativity causes lower frequency vibrations. Any time you experience low-frequency vibrations such as worry, rage, fear, envy, or hatred, you are doing so. You feel downhearted by these loud, low vibrations.
Positivity generates vibrations at higher frequencies. You emit high-frequency vibrations whenever you experience love, sympathy, assurance, gratitude, awe, or kinship. You feel more energised and upbeat as a result of these gentle, bouncing vibrations.
Here are some ways to raise your vibration:
Meditate- Dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins are a few naturally occurring neurotransmitters that are connected to many kinds of happiness, from simple pleasure to a profound sense of serenity. It also causes the brain to release these neurotransmitters.
Taking bath early morning- Cleansing frees up space for fresh, imaginative thoughts and uplifting energies that are constantly trying to lead us by washing away unseen energy patterns from the body’s aura.
Spend time with uplifting individuals- It has been stated that you are the sum of the five people you spend the most time with, so examine your social circle to ensure that it is elevating rather than lowering your vibrational frequency.
Keeping your surroundings clean and tidy- A crowded home is unmistakably a symptom of a cluttered mind, just as cleanliness is close to godliness. Simple tasks like emptying the trash, doing the dishes, vacuuming a room, or making your bed in the morning can have a noticeable effect on your mood and give you a boost of energy right away.
Serve others- Regularly giving of their time to good causes in the service of others and the greater good makes people happier, healthier, and more personally gratified.
Spiritual music- Listening to spiritual music and watching videos can really help boost one’ energy and give a very positive feeling.
As you think you vibrate. As you vibrate you attract.”
-Abraham Hicks