‘When we eat healthy, we feel healthy’
But why does the food we eat have a tremendous effect on how our body functions?
The food that we eat gives our bodies the information it needs to function properly. If we don’t eat right, our metabolic health suffers and the risk for the development of diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, and heart disease increases.
In short, food acts as a medicine in a way that it prevents, maintains and treats the disease. The nutrients that you put in your body helps you grow to a healthier version of yourself.
This article discusses some changes that you can make to have a healthier diet.
- Eat slowly: The speed with which you eat defines how much you eat and the chances are you are more likely to gain weight. Studies have shown that eating slowly reduces the number of your calories intake and helps you to lose weight. In short, eating slowly helps you to eat less.
- Plan your meals: Planning your meals ahead for the entire week ensures that you eat a healthy balanced diet the entire week.
- Replace your current breakfast with eggs: Eggs are among the most nutritious foods on the planet. They are highly rich in vitamins, minerals, high quality protein and other nutrients that we don’t get enough of. Eggs make a perfect meal to have for a morning energy boost.
- Measure your protein intake: By increasing protein intake, you reduce your hunger and satiety hormones which leads to a major reduction in hunger and this is the reason protein helps you lose weight. Adding protein to each meal makes sure that you feel fuller for longer and the chances are you are less likely to overeat.
- Prefer eating fruits rather than drinking them: Fruit juice is not as healthy as eating a fruit as a whole even if it is a freshly squeezed juice. It is a more concentrated form of sugar than the whole fruit which can lead to weight gain.
- Watch out your eating portions: A portion is the amount of food you choose to eat. Choosing smaller portions is an important step to have a healthy balanced diet and maintain overall health and well-being.
- Replace honey with sugar: Try to substitute sugar with honey when required as sugar is higher on the glycemic index than honey which means it raises blood sugar levels more quickly.
Healthy you = happy you
“Your diet is a bank account. Good food choices are good investments.”
– Bethenny Frankel