Have you ever felt lost in your life like you don’t have any purpose in life? A common question that comes to our mind when we want to start or deepen our spiritual journey is ‘How do I start’? First let’s understand what a spiritual journey is? A spiritual journey is an inner quest that…
How to Train your Brain to Be Positive
Sometimes it feels like we live in a happy positive world and the very next moment it can feel like how negative the world we live in has become. This sudden change in our attitude is driven by our thoughts. Our thoughts have the ability to change our perspective from good to bad towards life…
Tips to Improve your Body Image
Let’s start first by explaining what body image is and how it matters? Body image refers to what and how the person thinks and feels about his/her own body. It relates to the belief, attitude and perception that a person carries about their own body. In today’s world, with the growing sense of how a…
How to Replenish your Soul
Do you ever feel lost? Tired? Worn-out? Depressed? Like nothing good will ever again come your way? When things seem to start falling from your hands, you might feel that nothing is in control and the bad luck won’t stop coming up. A feeling of hopelessness takes hold on you. In such a situation, rather…
How Bad Habits can affect our Mental Health
We all have bad habits, it’s just that sometimes we don’t recognise them and sometimes we keep them hiding under the rug, we rarely pay attention to what they might do to us mentally. You probably are already aware of how bad habits can affect your physical health but do you know that some bad…
Tips on switching to a healthy lifestyle
Are you planning on not skipping your workout any day? Are you thinking of leaving eating unhealthy foods? Are you constantly trying to eat healthy and exercise more but having a tough time sticking to these healthy choices? A healthy lifestyle is something we all want in our life but it’s not easy to make…
An early morning club and how can you become a part of it
Have you all heard about an early morning club? If not, then this article is for you. An early morning club is a concept introduced by Robin Sharma based on making an early morning routine where you get up at 5AM and give 20 minutes to exercise, 20 minutes to meditation and 20 minutes to…
How reading enhances your brain 
What do we get from reading books? Are there any benefits or are we just doing it for enjoyment? The answer is ‘Yes’. Scientific studies show that reading improves our mental health by lowering our stress level and eases the tension in our muscles. Many of us are avid readers and so we know how…
Good food can be a good medicine
The food we eat has profound effects on our overall well-being. What we choose to eat gives our body the energy to function properly. Real Food and a balanced diet acts as a medicine and helps to prevent, maintain and treat diseases. By real, I mean the food that comes directly from the earth and…
How to discover what makes your soul happy
Why does your happiness always revolve around what you want and what you get? Why is it always about reaching a certain destination in life? Happiness isn’t something you find, it’s what’s left after you get rid of all the unhappy things in your life. It is a tracker of your day to day life…